En la Tierra a jueves, enero 23, 2025

El festival Eurobest cuenta con seis representantes españoles en su jurado

The European Festival of Creativity contará con seis representantes españoles para formar parte del jurado: Juan Silva (Shackleton) en la categoría ‘Film and Print’, Israel Villar (Wunderman) en ‘Direct and Promo & Activation’, Marcos Da Gama (DDB) en ‘Interactive and Mobile’, Ana González Alonso (Universal McCann) en ‘Media’, Asunción Soriano Cuesta (Inforpress) en ‘Design’ y Daniel Calabuig (Draftfcb) en ‘Branded Content and Entertainment’.


El festival europeo anual de creatividad Eurobest, organizado Lions Festivals los y celebrado próxos 28, 29 y 30 de noviembre en el cine Sao Jorge de Lisboa, ha dado a conocer un listado con los noventa y cuatro profesionales que comprenderán el jurado de la 25ª edición.


Philip Thomas, CEO de Lions Festivals, ha comentado: ‘Eurobest ha estado celebrando y premiando ideas rompedoras en publicidad desde 1988. Ahora, veinticinco años después, hemos traído a una excepcional formación de líderes cuyo trabajo ha cambiado la cara de la industria estableciendo puntos de referencia en todas las formas de comunicación de marcas. Tenemos el honor de tener un jurado tan altamente respetado’.


Los ganadores de todas las categorías serán anunciados en la Ceremonia de Premios que tendrá lugar el vies 30 de noviembre en Pátio da Galé de Lisboa. A la ceremonia le acompañarán tres días de seminarios, workshops, exhibiciones y grupos de networking. Las plaza para el festival y los premios puede reservarse en la página web de Eurobest.


Lista del jurado


El jurado de la categoría ‘Film and Print’ está compuesto John Hegarty (Worldwide Creative Director & Founder, BBH, Global) como presidente, Peter Ampe (Creative Director & Partner, Happiness Brussels, Belgium), Vincent Behaeghel (Creative Director, BETC, France), Matthias Harbeck (Executive Creative Director, Serviceplan, Germany), Danny Yakobowitch (Executive Creative Director, Gitam BBDO, Israel), Thierry Albert (Creative Director, Wieden + Kennedy, The Netherlands), Finn Knudsen (Creative Director, DIST Creative, Norway), Lourenço Thomaz (Founder, Partner & Creative Director, MSTF Partners, Portugal), Ivan Chburov (Chief Creative Officer, JWT, Russia), Juan Silva (Executive Creative Director, Shackleton, Spain), Johanna Reis (Copywriter, Garbergs, Sweden) y Pius Walker (Creative Director, Walker, Switzerland).


En la categoría Outdoor and Radio’ se encuentran Olivier Altmann (Chief Creative Officer, Publicis France) como presidente, Alexander Hofmann (Creative Director, Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann, Austria), Son Higby (Creative Director, DDB, Denmark), Eka Ruola (Chief Executive Officer, Executive Creative Director, hasan & partners, Finland), Christian Mommertz (Creative/Managing Director, BBDO Proxity, Germany), Jorge Teixeira (Creative Director, Excentric, Portugal), Ryszard Sroka (Creative Director, Y&R, Poland), Catalin Dobre (Executive Creative Director, McCann Erickson Bucharest, Romania), Tugbay Bilbay (Chief Creative Director & Chief Executive Officer, Manajans/JWT, Turkey) y Richard Br (Creative Director, Chi&Partners, UK).


En el apartado deDirect and Promo & Activation’ toman parte Jean Remy von Matt (Chief Creative Officer & Founder, Jung von Matt, Germany) como presidente, Andreas Spielvogel (Creative Director, Lowe GGK, Austria), Jorrit Hermans (Creative Director, Leo Butt, Belgium), Rémi Noël (Executive Creative Director, TBWA\Paris, France), Jeroen van Zwam (Executive Creative Director, Publicis Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Jørgen Gjaerum (Executive Creative Director, McCann Oslo, Norway), Rui Lorenço (Chief Creative Officer, Havas Worldwide, Portugal), Israel Villar (Executive Creative Director, Wunderman, Spain), Lasse Kampe (Creative Director, Mecka, Sweden), Rob Hartmann (Creative Director, Wirz BBDO, Switzerland), Karpat Polat (President & Executive Creative Director, DDB, Turkey) y Arthur Parshotam (Global Creative Partner, OgilvyOne, UK).


Evalúan la categoría Interactive and Mobile’ Rei Inamoto (Chief Creative Officer/Vice President, AKQA, USA) como presidente, Niko Alm (Chief Creative Officer/Chief Executive Officer, SuperFi, Austria), Stijn Gansemans (Creative Partner, Dallas, Belgium), Laurent Nuyen (Vice President, Executive Creative Director, Isobar, France), Heiko Freyland (Creative Director, thjnk, Germany), Andrew Allen (Executive Producer, Resn, The Netherlands), Jonas Grønnern (Creative Director, TRY/Apt, Norway), Erik Lassche (Chief Executive Officer, The Grand Union, Portugal), Vad Senkin (Chief Executive Officer, Stars Interactive, Russia), Marcos Da Gama, Director of Digital Business, DDB, Spain), Philip Ahlqwist (Executive Creative Director, Volontaire, Sweden), Candace Kuss (Executive Creative Director, Interactive Lab, Hill & Knowlton Strategies, UK).


En Media’ se encuentran Nigel Sharrocks (Chief Executive Officer, Global Brands, Aegis Media, UK) como presidente, Gauthier Elslander (Planning & Strategy Director, OmnicomMediaGroup, Belgium), Bertrand Beaudichon (Managing Director, PHD, France), Lars Kirschke (Chief Executive Officer, Optedia, Germany), Tal Kedmi (Vice President Media Planning & Research, Mediacom, Israel), Esther Hendriks (Managing Director, OmnicomMediaGroup, The Netherlands), Tone Helene Angsund (Creative Director, Starcom, Norway), Alberto Rui Pereira (General Manager, Initiative, Portugal), Ana González Alonso (Managing Director, Universal McCann, Spain), Thomas Rosén (Digital Account Director, MEC, Sweden), Nathalie Bösiger (Chief Executive Officer, Mediaxis, Switzerland) y Ozer Sata (Managing Director, Mindshare, Turkey).


El apartado Design’ es evaluado Chris Moody (Creative Director, Wolff Olins, UK) como presidente, Volkmar Weiss (Creative Director, Bureau Weiss, Austria), Phil van Duynen (Creative Director, Adopt, Belgium), Line Rix (Chief Executive Officer and Partner, 1508, Denmark), Petri Pesonen (Creative Director, BOB Helsinki, Finland), Giles Deleris (CoFounder, Creative Director, W&Cie, France), Stefan Weil (Chief Creative Officer, Atelier Markgraph, Germany), John Comitis (Creative Director, VBAT, The Netherlands), Ricardo Mealha (Owner & Creative Director, Ricardo Mealha Design, Portugal) e Isabelle Dahlborg Lidström (Creative Director, NINE, Sweden).


Los jueces de la categoría ‘PR’ son Lord T Bell (Chairman, Bell Pottinger Private, UK) como presidente, Paul Baeyaert (Chief Executive Officer, Belgium & Chairman, Consumer Practice EMEA, Weber Shandwick, Belgium), Nicky Guertin (Chief Executive Officer, Cohn & Wolfe, France), Mirko Kaminski (Chief Executive Officer and Founder, achtung!, Germany), Andrea Colli (Vice President & Chief Executive Officer, Ketchum PR, Italy), Francisco de Mendia (Chief Executive Officer, Cunha VaZ & Associados, Portugal), Alina Damaschin Ciocirlan (Chief Executive Officer, Rogalski Grigoriu PR, Romania), Asunción Soriano Cuesta (Vice President, Inforpress, Spain), Linda Waxin (General Manager, Edelman Stockholm, Sweden) y John Rossant (Chairman, PublicisLive, Switzerland). 


‘Craft’ está compuesta Kar Bartoletti (Partner/Executive Producer, Filmmaster Productions, Italy) como presidente, Maxe Boiron (Chief Executive Officer, \Else, France), Florian Meberg (Director, Florian Meberg, Germany), Alberto M. Rodrigues (Producer, Ministério Dos Filmes, Portugal), Sybrig Andringa (Executive Producer, CZAR, The Netherlands), John Bergdahl (Senior Partner & Creative Director, Forsman & Bodenfors, Sweden), Peter Brönnann (Executive Creative Director, Spillman/Felser/Leo Butt, Publicis, Switzerland) y Chrissie Abbott (Designer, BlinkArt, UK). 


Branded Content and Entertainment’ contará con Dean Baker (Managing Director, JWT Entertainment, UK) como presidente del jurado, Jenny Orru, (Producer Publicis Entertainment, France), Phillip Schilling (Managing Director, Rapp Germany), Paul Stechschulte (Executive Creative Director, Arnold, The Netherlands), Daniel Calabuig (Creative Director & Head of Transmedia, Draftfcb, Spain), Bjorn Hoglund (Executive Creative Director, Crispin Porter + Bogusky Europe, Sweden), Ipek Gokdel (Head of Group M Entertainment, Group M, Turkey) y James Cunningham (Head of Content, Academy Films/A+, UK).


Por últo, la categoría Integrated’ tendrá a John Hegarty (Worldwide Creative Director & Founder, BBH, Global) como presidente de jurado, a quien le acompañarán Olivier Altmann (Chief Creative Officer, Publicis France), Jean Remy von Matt (Chief Creative Officer & Founder, Jung von Matt, Germany), Kar Bartoletti (Partner/Executive Producer, Filmmaster Productions, Italy), Lourenço Thomaz (Founder, Partner & Creative Director, MSTF Partners, Portugal), Pius Walker (Creative Director, Walker, Switzerland), Dean Baker (Managing Director, JWT Entertainment, UK), Lord T Bell (Chairman, Bell Pottinger Private, UK), Chris Moody (Creative Director, Wolff Olins, UK) y Nigel Sharrocks (Chief Executive Officer, Global Brands, Aegis Media, UK) y Rei Inamoto (Chief Creative Officer/Vice President, AKQA, USA).


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